The Archangels Offer Hope

Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you enjoy this day that celebrates Love, with or without a significant other, rather than worry about everything scary going on in the world. Most of us want to stay on top of things and know what is happening in the world around us. I know I do. However, let’s not steep ourselves in it to the point that we lose hope in the future. Obviously, bad things are happening, but there has never been a time when bad things haven’t happened. Yet, here we are, ready to worry through another day. I protest! Rather than worry all the time, I’m committed to trying to enjoy at least a good part of the day. Good things are happening out there, too. We don’t hear about them as much, but they’re there and growing in number, and they count, too!
It seems with every week that passes, there are more things to worry about, if we buy into that mentality. There’s enough happening that is real without buying into all the doom and gloom being promoted out there that hasn’t even happened yet, but is being touted as inevitable. For every action, there is a reaction. I’m for taking control of my reactions, rather than giving that control over to someone else. I hear from people all the time who are looking for guarantees, comfort, and hope. I can talk and write till I die, but unless you’re willing to buy into hope and comfort, to focus on the good, the outside chaos will overwhelm you. I asked the Archangels for some guidance and advice on how to get through all of the doom and gloom, and their answer follows.
Question: I’d like to write an article about not buying into the doom and gloom that is everywhere you look. Dealing with what’s actually happening is plenty to worry about without adding to it with all the predictions of more troubles on the horizon and all the dominoes predicted to fall as chain reactions continue to be presumed. What advice and guidance can you give us to offer hope that overcomes the doom and gloom which so prevalent out there?
We will indeed do that and address this ever-growing body of doom and gloom that is being predicted and offered up to all who will take it. There is never and has never been a time without an overabundance of naysayers, promoters of this doom and gloom, premonitions of it, predictions of the end of days, overkill on dire warnings, and an overall focus on the negatives in life. Sadly, there are many people who look for this kind of information, even though it affects them in a very negative, upsetting way. As long as there are people who seek out these kinds of reports, they will be easy to find.
Look at the news and the proportion of good versus bad news media coverage. There are many good things happening in the world, but those stories are rarely covered, because they do not generate as much attention or money. Over and over again, we see people who are afraid, who are seeking more information that feeds their fear. We understand the desire to be informed, and the belief that being forewarned is being forearmed, but most of the information offered is not given to allow for preparation, avoidance of harm, or to provide information that can aid in finding solutions.
In fact, the opposite is true. It is intended to keep people trapped in fear to the point they are frozen in place, unable to function or take action or even think for themselves. This makes them ever so much easier to control and manipulate. Remember this the next time you search the news for information.
Look more closely at the news stories available to you. For every story that is relatively factual, that is, it reports something that has actually happened, there are many more that report possible effects that “might,” “could,” or are “likely” to happen due to the fallout, and the vast majority of these predictions and threats never come to pass.
So, we ask you why it is necessary to steep yourself in fearful scenarios that will likely never happen. Further, we wish you to consider that there have been hardships, challenges, and problems that have actually happened throughout history, yet people have always found ways to survive, conquer, and solve them all.
Bad things sometimes happen, but the larger the scale of the event, the more unity that surfaces. Consider the multitude of natural disasters and the immediate responses people have joined in order to help those affected. Think of terrorist attacks and worldwide responses to them. Think of pandemics and how people and organizations around the world have joined together in search of solutions. People find a way to overcome, survive, and even thrive.
Have you ever noticed that those who promote doom and gloom do one of two things? Either they offer only fear with no hope for a solution, or they try to tell you what you have to do or accept in order to survive.
When it is the latter, it is always tied to giving power and control over to someone else. Trace it to who will benefit from the actions they are trying to convince you to take, and you will find a hidden agenda, and it will have nothing to do with saving or benefiting you, but someone else who does not usually care at all what happens to you. They do not know you, nor do they want to know you. It is all about what benefits them.
If their predictions of doom and gloom do not offer any solution, if they reek of hopelessness, it is to keep you locked in your fear, to build and maintain high levels of fear and hopelessness so that they can swoop in later, offer you a plan for salvation, so you will do whatever they tell you to do, and again, you can count on it playing to their advantage and benefit and adding to their power and control.
Do you think the current world leaders care about who is hurt by their decisions and actions? We assure you, most do not. They find collateral damage acceptable, as long as it does not affect them personally. If it affects them, they will find another way.
Our channel is already feeling like this message is repetitive, but as we have told her, it bears repeating that the best thing you can do for yourself and the world is to build your life around the Big 4, joy, hope, love, and peace. Focus on these things, make sure you maintain high levels of them, and make them the center of your plans and, indeed, your life. If you do, no matter what else is happening in the world, you will not be defeated or overcome. Create your own world based on the Big 4, and whether chaos happens around you, you will have a safe, internal haven where you are protected.
If more of you do this, the collective consciousness will also benefit and rise, which will lead to benefits for the people and the world around you. This is a tried and true plan of the universe. It has succeeded many times in other worlds and eventually leads to unity around the entire planet. Alone, you are very limited in what you can control, but together, you can change your world, and if you have the Big 4 in your life, it is much easier to join in unity with others who are of the same mind.
Instead of buying into the fear, hopelessness, and doom and gloom, work instead on building up your reserves of joy, hope, love, and peace, so you can withstand the chaos. Do not relinquish your power to self-proclaimed saviors and prophets. Save yourself by strengthening your resolve, trusting in your capabilities, and thinking for yourself. Use your gifts, intuition, and power to forge ahead and make your life what you want it to be. You cannot control the actions of others, but you can control your own actions. Make sure they are based on joy, hope, love, and peace, rather than fear, anger, doom, and gloom.
If you are looking for more guidance, ask your soul, your Guides, your spiritual team, and your Angels for it. We want to help you, and your best interests are always at the forefront of all the assistance we offer. Invite us into your conscious life, then pay attention. Signs will be sent to let you know we are near, and on the job. Then, we will send ideas, opportunities, other people, and whatever else you need, to help you and further your goals, so pay attention!
There have always been scary times and bad things that happen. The world is a messy, disorganized place, but it is never hopeless. Inevitably, the solutions, results, and changes will rest with you, the masses. Start with yourself first, and build up the Big 4, then move on to bigger steps and help find solutions to the world’s problems. As always, it begins and ends with you, as you decide whether or not to join in unity with others or turn over your power to others.
Final Thoughts
The promotion of doom and gloom is everywhere we look, but it’s our choice whether or not to buy into it. It’s not just the news coverage, either. There are plenty of writers on Medium and elsewhere who tell you there’s no hope, that we’re all going to die, that nuclear war is coming, that an alien takeover is imminent, that the world is coming to an end, that there is nothing that can be done to save us, that there is no way out of the destruction coming our way. I don’t accept that.
If people who contribute to this stuff don’t offer hope or solutions, if that’s what they believe is going to happen, why are they spreading the information? If nothing can save us, why dwell on that? If there’s no hope, why tell us about the unavoidable destruction? Is it that misery loves company? Is that what they want to be known for, spreading misery and fear? Is that how they want to be remembered? Or do they like the notoriety, are they trying to gain more attention, thereby getting more money as more people to follow them and continue to live in fear? Are they attracted to the shock factor? Do they enjoy knowing that they control another’s emotions? Do they want to manipulate and control?
I don’t know, I don’t care, and I have no use for people such as these, much less the doom and gloom they would have me accept and dread.
If all someone wants to do is add to my fear, tell me there’s no hope, trigger anger or hopelessness, they can keep right on going, looking for their next victims, because I’m not going to listen, much less act on something they tell me to do, because they predict dire things will happen if I don’t do what I’m told. I’m not buying what they’re selling.
I believe that, whatever happens, I’ll find my way through it. I believe that I’m never truly alone, and I have a whole team of spiritual beings helping me. I believe I’ve only begun to discover my power, and I plan to hold onto it, rather than hand it over to someone else. I’m going to continue to think for myself and have hope that things will eventually work out, despite the many disruptions and challenges I face. And I’m going to continue to work on building and maintaining joy, hope, love, and peace into my very psyche, until it is as natural and automatic as breathing.
You all can do the same, or you can keep searching out more fuel for your fears and listening to people who predict things that never happen. If you want a guarantee, I can absolutely guarantee that you have a spiritual team and Angels who stand by to help you, and you are never truly alone. I guarantee they will hear you if you ask for their help, and they will work for you in ways that are for your greatest good.
Happy Friday, and Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you have a great weekend, absent of doom and gloom, and full of the Big 4. If you feel like it, you’re invited to join me and the Archangels for Friday night meditation. The intention for February is Love, for ourselves, each other, and everyone else in the world. The Archangels will gather our energy, add to it, and disperse it where it’s most needed. We can feel good about doing this, knowing we’re adding to the solution, not the problems.
Blessings, all.