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Forging a New Relationship with the Universe

The Archangels Explain Who Will Experience This

I’ve been writing off and on about some of the changes I’m experiencing on an energetic level.  I’ve been working with several high Guides, and they’re facilitating these changes, and for weeks now, I’ve been moving into a closer relationship with the Universe through manifestation.  What a trip! 


This universal bonding started with Lord Shiva, who worked with each major chakra for a week, followed by the fine tuning of my minor chakras, adding color codes, adjusting my internal matrices, and calling in Universal light energy to “bond” with my energy.  He loosened the tether I have to the Earth, and expanded the tether I share with the Universe. 


Other high Guides followed to help me with the manifestation process which is like the exercise needed to strengthen the bonding process and to practice the combining of energies.  I’ll more than likely be more forthcoming with the details of these experiences in the near future, but I’m not ready to share them yet.  However, this experience made me wonder if everyone would go through something similar at some point as The Shift continues, so I asked the Archangels, and they had a lot to say on the topic, as follows.


Question:  Is everyone eventually going to form a closer relationship with the Universe in time, like I am undergoing?




This sounds like such a simple question, but in reality, it is not at all simple for several reasons.  You are what many would call a light worker or perhaps a way show-er.  We prefer more simple terms, such as teacher or leader or perhaps bridge or beacon.  What we mean by this is that the role you are playing regarding The Shift was included in the life plan created by your soul and your spiritual team.  The things you are doing, such as channeling and sharing our messages with others are connected to your purpose for being on Earth right now.  It was all part of your life plan.


You could have veered off track, exercising your free will, but things have turned out very well, and you have exceeded our and your soul’s hopes and expectations.  We thank you, and we appreciate that it has not always been easy and still is not, yet you persevere and do your best to help others, including using your gifts to spread our guidance. 


There are many like you, that is, those who came to Earth to shine their light and ease the loads of others by using their gifts to assist the rise of the collective consciousness.  There are many ways to do this, and always, free will can take a person in another direction, but with the help of your soul, your Guides, and your spiritual team of which we are a part, you continue to stay on track for the most part, as do many others.  The connection you share with us is very strong, and you have allowed it to guide you.  You could have subdued or ignored it, but instead you chose to listen and accept it.


There is a beautiful, loving group of human beings who are doing this, and for those who follow this path, it is highly likely that they will form a greater bond, a more cohesive connection with the Universe.  Some will get assistance from many high Guides, as you continue to experience, and others will merge with the Universe in other, more subtle or even more overt ways than you, again, depending on their life plans and assuming they choose to adhere to those paths.


There are others who will exercise their free will in ways that will lead them away from their planned paths.  There is nothing wrong with this and certainly no penalty for it.  Sometimes, they will grow and learn more than they would have otherwise, and sometimes less.  As we have explained in the past, free will can override the life plan.  It often feels awkward for the people who veer off course, and they sometimes feel out of place at times, but they will learn and grow, no matter what choices they make, and their spiritual team will follow them and continue to help wherever possible.


Also, there are those whose life plans do not include obvious evolution, yet they still contribute to The Shift and the rise in consciousness in other ways.  There are those who intentionally planned to be the negative examples of what changes are needed and ultimately serve as motivators for change.  This is why we so often remind you to avoid judging others too harshly and to always reach for compassion when dealing with negative role models.


There must be various examples of polarity in order to find balance.  How else would you know to work on hope if you had no knowledge of fear?  How could you reach for compassion without understanding anger?  Why would you want more love if you had no knowledge of hatred?  While these are all important lessons to learn as humans, they are also spiritual lessons the soul must learn and experience as well in order to evolve spiritually.


So, for those people you see and know who display the lower spectrum of emotions and are responsible for causing many problems on Earth, their souls continue to learn and evolve, even when their human counterparts do not.  Not only that, but they are needed on Earth and also teach valuable lessons.  It is no easy matter for a soul to agree to take on such a role, but many volunteer to do exactly that for the greater good.


Many people have difficulty grasping and understanding why souls are not punished for the “bad” things they do as humans, but can you begin to see that the things they do can lead to better things and have eventual positive effects?  When things run smoothly all the time, there is little motivation for change or improvement.


The problems you are facing on Earth are of humanity’s own making, and most of them have been getting worse for generations, yet few people have moved to change them.  Add to that the 3D energy within which you lived for so long, and it is not surprising that spiritual growth and the focus on making the world a better place that features equality, love, and peace has not been a main feature for many people up to this point, but now that you are experiencing 5D Earth and energy, that is changing.  People are changing.  Individual and collective consciousness are rising like never before, and change is imminent. 


So, going back to your question regarding whether or not everyone will deepen their connection with the Universe, the answer is a qualified yes, but not necessarily in this lifetime, and not necessarily in the human form.  Some will indeed experience a significant rise in universal consciousness, whether or not it was a part of their life plan, and they will form a deeper connection with the Universe, while others will not experience this growth and evolution until after their human life ends. 


We would add that this is necessary for all of you, regardless of the roles you play, in order for the Earth and humanity to evolve.  All growth, whether experienced as a human being or after the human life ends is permanent, and the benefits to the Earth and humanity are also permanent as is the spiritual growth and evolution of all souls.  So, everyone eventually wins.  It is only that these permanent gains may not be realized as quickly by some as by others.


Souls incarnate on Earth in order to learn, experience life in a physical body, and to serve humanity in some way.  They reincarnate many times to accomplish and build upon these things, which eventually brings them into a closer communion with the Universe and the Creator.  Most souls temporarily relinquish their Universal knowledge when they take human form, but they reclaim it when each life ends and they return home to the soul realms and review what they accomplished.  There are gains made during every lifetime.  This is why, when you are reunited with those you considered enemies as a human being, you greet them with gratitude and appreciation, as everyone who played a role in our life on Earth contributed to your spiritual growth as a soul, whether or not they contributed in any positive way when you were living on Earth as a human.


We understand that this is difficult for many of you to believe, but allow yourself to ponder what we have said.  As difficult as it is to grasp that the very people who continue to cause chaos and strife on Earth right now will serve as agents for change, even though that is not their human intent, and good will eventually come from their misdeeds and misbehavior.  It is their negative behaviors and unacceptable actions that will lead to unity and positive changes. 


You may not enjoy the fruits of these labors during this lifetime, but you will be aware of the value they contributed to the world and in your own soul journey eventually, and if you choose to reincarnate on Earth again sometime in the future, you will enter into a better world and profit at that time in various ways.  So, again, we say to you to try to find compassion for these miserable people and understand that much of what they do will serve a higher purpose and eventually lead to a better world, not because of the good they do, but because of the good they will inspire others to do and the changes that will result.


We send you all healing energies of Love and Light.


Final Thoughts


If you’re struggling to take all of this in, you’re not alone.  There’s just so much we can grasp as human beings, and we’re not meant to understand everything at this time.  The Archangels like to keep it simple.  They tell us to work on ourselves, bringing more joy, hope, love, and peace into our own lives whenever possible, and they tell us if we can accomplish that on a personal level, it will help on the collective level, as well.  It’s so hard not to be bitter against those who are causing so much angst and chaos in the world.  This information isn’t meant to persuade us to be friends with them or excuse their actions.  It’s simply something for us to consider when we feel our anger rising, when we feel our peace of mind being threatened, and we want to lash out.  That doesn’t help us, and it doesn’t help the situation.


I must say, it’s very easy to see a lot of what needs to change these days and who needs to be kicked out of positions of power.  What’s more hazy is what and who needs to take their places and how best to correct the problems that are being amplified and aggravated everywhere.  If these people and problems weren’t so obvious, it would take even longer to fix them, so there is that. 


I think of problems like racism, misogyny, and inequality.  They’ve always been there, but they weren’t so loud and obnoxious in the past, at least not on such a large scale.  Now, though, it’s not just those being treated badly who are aware of these things, but everyone is beginning to take notice, and there is awareness on a larger scale.  We’re seeing more and more harm being done to others, and we’re getting tired of it and want to see it change, whether we are victims of the harm, or only observers.  It’s when the observers join with the victims that things really start to happen and changes are made.


That’s the unity the Archangels are always talking about.  It’s going to take us uniting to stop the madness and make the needed changes.  We can’t do that in this country if the nation remains divided to the extent it has been.  Maybe knowing that the people we detest are serving a higher purpose will help us to begin to bridge some of that gap.  Not everyone who voted for the other guy is an extremist.  Not everyone is a bigot, an idiot, a fool, or a terrible person.  Most are not, although some are.  Maybe it will take the actions being done right now to convince them that the people they thought would help them are causing more harm.


I don’t know how it will all play out, but I do believe the only way we can make the changes we need to make requires bridging the great divide that continues to exist in the nation and, indeed, in the world.  We need to open our minds and hearts to a better way and hope others will do the same.  We need to begin to see that we have much more in common with each other than we may have previously believed.  It’s not going to happen overnight, but we need to begin to make gains. 


If you’re not ready to reach across the great divide, you can simply work on yourself by bringing in the Big 4, joy, hope, love, and peace, into your life and doing everything you can to make them permanent fixtures.  Reject the anger, fear, resentment, bitterness and disgust you’ve felt for others in the past, and send them loving energy.  Start working on expelling those low vibrational emotions and getting “unstuck.”  Holding onto these things, however justified you feel, does absolutely no good for you or anyone else, and it certainly doesn’t bring you any closer to finding solutions for the problems we face.  Let it go. 


Tonight is the last Friday night meditation for February.  The intention this month has been Love.  Not just love for “us” but also love for “them.”  If we focus on love for everyone, maybe we can get rid of the whole “us v. them” idea and begin to come together at some point.  If you’d like to join us from wherever you are, at whatever time is convenient, please do!  Call on the Archangels, and they will gather your loving energy, adding to it, and they will direct it to where it needs to go in order to do the most good.  There will be a new intention for the month of March, which will be revealed in my March newsletter next Friday.  You can sign up for it on my website.


Happy Friday, everybody.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with joy, hope, love, and peace. 


Blessings, all. 



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