The Archangels Say We'll Want to Return
So many of us are tired, aren’t we? Certainly, we’re tired of the election vitriol and the high prices of groceries and trying to get ahead or just making ends meet. However, that’s not really the kind of tired I’m talking about. Life has always been hard, and it often seems to get harder as we plug along. It wouldn’t be so bad if we could see a light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes, everything seems so dark, doesn’t it?
I’m a firm believer in hope, and I try to remain positive, but like everyone, there are times I feel burned out and unable to cope. I’ve learned that at times like that, I need to spend some time just boosting myself up and bringing in more joy. Sometimes that involved meditation, Reiki, or channeling the Angels and other high Guides. Sometimes, that means spending time with my kids and grandkids. Sometimes that means listening to a playlist of my favorite tunes or just sitting quietly outside. I have several coping options in place, and I use them frequently, rather than allowing fear and anxiety to get the best of me. Most of the time, they work.
According to the Archangels I channel, reincarnation is a real thing for all of us, and I believe this. We all live many lives, and Earth is a favorite place for souls, as it allows for learning a lot of important lessons, which leads to a lot of spiritual growth, which is the goal. There have been several times as an adult that I’ve thought I never want to come back here, and based on the many comments and emails I receive, I’m not alone. I don’t blame us!
Before I channeled the Angels, I imagined Heaven, or the afterlife, as a place of pure peace and quiet. No stress, no deadlines, no rat race, no unhappiness. I pictured me sitting in a beautiful setting of cool mountains with lots of trees, maybe a view of some body of water, with nothing to do but sit and enjoy it, along with all the people I loved who’d gone ahead of me. Come to find out, the places we return to are very busy places! The Angels say we’d get bored if that wasn’t the case. Still, everybody gets along and helps each other as we learn, plan, and prepare for our next life and help other souls do the same.
There are no deadlines, other than what we apply, there is no judgement, punishment, fear, anger, or so many of the other things that make life on Earth so unpleasant and hard. I hear we like it there!
Yet, we still return, time after time. As a human being without universal knowledge intact, there have been many times I’ve thought, “I never want to come back!” I even went through a phase where I tried to bargain with the Angels that if I had to come back, I didn’t want to start learning from scratch again or go through some of the things I’ve experienced, etc. They told me we all have a choice, but that nearly all souls chose to come back, to which I replied, “Not me! I’ve had enough.”
With The Shift in full swing, I wondered what impact it would have on future reincarnations. I believe what the Angels say, that the Earth is in transition, and eventually, it will be a much better place to live, so I wondered what effect it might have on future reincarnations. Will the Earth still be a prime place to learn and grow? Will we still dread coming back for more lives as much as we do now? So, I asked the Angels, and their response follows.
Question: So many of us are tired, burned out, and think we never want to return to Earth for another incarnation. With The Shift in full swing, will future incarnations be easier?
This is a multifaceted question. You all have many reasons to feel as you do, and it is completely understandable that you do not wish to contemplate another reincarnation. Understand, however, that this reticence come from a very human perspective. Chances are, you felt this way during many lifetimes, yet here you are, living a human life on Earth.
We would first like to say that souls are not required to return for more lifetimes on Earth or anywhere else. It is always at the soul’s discretion whether or not to reincarnate and when. Souls plan their own lives, and they do not have to do anything as far as what they plan. They choose their own parents and family, place of birth, and many circumstances and situations they will face as humans.
Have you ever tackled a big job that challenged you in many ways, that seemed insurmountable, but with perseverance and determination, you conquered it and succeeded at the task? There may have been times when you wanted to quit or at some point resolved never to do something like that again, but afterwards, there was also likely a strong sense of accomplishment and the feeling that it was worth everything you went through, even if you were glad it was over. Perhaps it gave you a boost of vitality knowing you achieved whatever you set out to do, and you felt more capable moving forward and setting new goals.
This is much how souls feel when they finish a lifetime and go through the life review process. Many of you are uncomfortable with the idea of the life review.We will repeat here that this process does not involve any judgment, condemnation, or punishment. Yes, you review not only your actions and choices, but also the impact they had on you, others, and on the divine plan, but it is not as unpleasant as some of you may think.
Most of you consider your lives from a human’s point of view, which is to be expected and natural. From this human perspective, life presents as being hard, demanding, and often leads to disillusionment. When this human life ends, however, you will regain your soul’s perspective. These two perspectives will be joined and blended, and everything that did not make sense to you on Earth will have a new meaning. What did not seem worthwhile will gain merit.
Past challenges, hardships, and even perceived enemies will be appreciated, and you will be grateful for them all. Then, you will decide if and when you will reincarnate, and we will tell you, most of you will want to return. You will not have to, but you will want to, but if you do not, there is no penalty, although further spiritual growth will be stalled.
Now, let us talk about how future reincarnations on Earth for you and others will likely change. In all likelihood, the Earth will be at the peak of change over the next two generations, at least. These upcoming years will include some very drastic changes that are much needed and will lead to a much better world for everyone.
As is the case today, there will be upheaval and chaos at times as the old, 3D Earth comes to an end, and the new and improved 5D Earth emerges to take its place. In truth, the 3D Earth is in its death throes. Those who cling to the old ways of doing things, who have profited from 3D life, will desperately continue waging their last battles for control, but they will continue to lose ground until they are replaced with people and systems that reflect the 5D way of living, that is, heart-centered, rather than fear driven.
Although it is often hard to perceive, things are already getting better. The first generation since The Shift began in 2012, is still young, but parents and others are already beginning to see that they are different from past generations in how they interact with others, cope with adversity, and value diversity. They came into the world with different and better coping and reactionary skills. They will not automatically reach for fear or try to force others to do their will, as has been the case in past generations. When this first generation comes of age and begins to take its place among society and the world, great things and major changes will come to pass.
Right now, heart-centered leaders are still outnumbered, but as the new generation assumes its place, they will be in the majority, and they will work together in unity throughout the world, to restore balance and peace on Earth.They will plan and begin to put into place new systems that are all-inclusive and promote equality. They will plan and begin to build the new worldwide framework, and the generation after them will bring it to fruition.
After that happens, there will still be challenges and hardships, but the tools and reactions to problems will be far more capable and effective insofar as dealing with all adversity. There will not be the systemic problems that weigh down the Earth and her people today, and life will become more “doable.”
Consider, if you will, how much easier life has become in many ways over the past hundred years. Think of the advancements which have been made in the medical and technological fields alone which have benefited mankind. People can travel to anywhere in the world within a single day in most cases, and longevity has lengthened remarkably.
The downside of some of these advancements, however, are the negative effects they have had on equality, hierarchy, the environment, and other things. In the future, these detractive aspects will be addressed and fixed, and future advancements will focus on equal and overall positive impacts, and there will be a better balance for all things and people.
We know these things are difficult to envision and believe, but they will come to pass, and the sources of the hardships and challenges you have faced during this lifetime will be negated. So, future incarnations and lifetimes on Earth will be very different. War and other atrocities found on Earth today will be rare or non-existent, and some of the hard lessons you have learned during previous lifetimes will be hard to find, if at all available, to future generations.
Also, the veil you’ve heard about is fading, so future generations will be privy to more guidance and information that is helpful and informative regarding themselves, the universe, and the Creator. The universal connection you share with all other souls will strengthen, which will lead people to proceed in deference to equality, humanity, and empathy. Divine guidance will become more and more common as well as recognized and accepted. You will not feel so all alone as you have during this lifetime. You will not feel so outnumbered. You will not feel abandoned. You will feel more powerful and capable, and others will recognize this about you.
For now, if the idea of returning to Earth in the future for another incarnation is too overwhelming or unacceptable, focus on the fact that, as a soul, you never have to return if you do not want to do so. You can remain in the soul realms indefinitely, if that is your choice, so do not stress over such an idea.
Besides, it is better to focus on your current lifetime, anyway, and make the most of it. If you are currently struggling, remember that you are not truly alone. You all have your own spiritual team working with and for you. Call on that team and call on us, call on your soul for help and guidance. Your request will not go unanswered. We will hear you.
Final Thoughts
We’ve still got a ways to go before life on Earth becomes more inviting, I think. The Angels predict it will take at least two generations before widespread change that positively impacts the entire world will be commonplace, and the future appears more hopeful to most people. It’s tempting to think of not returning for another lifetime until then, but the fact is, all of us came to Earth at this time knowing it would be a rocky ride full of hardships, challenges, and adversity, yet here we are. That’s one of the things the Archangels admire most about us, that we’re willing to come back here, time after time, knowing what we’re in for, and still finding the courage to make the trip.
I can see positive change happening, even though it’s usually surrounding with fear laden situations and circumstances, along with the dire threat of many severe consequences. Still, it’s there, and it’s going to increase in the future. It’s nice to think that in the future, if our souls need to learn any lessons attached to war or widespread violence, they’ll have to incarnate elsewhere. We’re nowhere near that right now, but I hope someday …
This is the last Friday in October, can you believe it?! If you have the time and inclination, please consider a short time of meditation tonight, whenever and wherever you are, and join me and the Archangels. The theme, or intention, for October is connection, and it’s personal in nature, rather than intended to affect others. Take a moment to ask for help from the Angels with connecting to yourself, your soul, the universe, each other, the Angels and high Guides, and whoever you relate to as a higher power. They’ll help you if you take the time to ask.
I hope you all have a very peaceful, loving weekend. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some time to seek out some joy. Hold onto it and reach for hope to negate some of the fear trying to seduce you from so many sides. We’re better and stronger than the things that frighten us. Find your power, and know that you are capable and resilient.
Many blessings to all of you.