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Get Off Life's Merry-Go-Round!

The Archangels Tell Us Everything is Accelerated Now

I’ve been saying for several years now that time is going by faster. I don’t just mean that time flies when you’re busy or having fun, or that I’m losing track of time. I mean that time is literally passing more quickly, and I know it has nothing to do with me getting older or being preoccupied. Time has accelerated.

Remember when you were a kid, and there were times when time seemed to drag and take forever? When you were looking forward to something, and it never seemed to arrive? These days, even when I’m impatient for something to happen or excited to experience something, I know that it’ll be here sooner than I imagine. That knowledge has done remarkable things for my patience.

Everything is changing right now. The Earth is changing, people are changing, times are changing, circumstances and situations are changing. Everything! I set out this week to channel about the different roles we all play in The Shift, but the message I received for today’s article morphed into something much more fascinating, as it explores how things are not only changing for all of us human beings living on Earth right now, but they are changing for our souls and in the upper realms, as well in many ways.

Sometimes, I can sit down and ask the Angels a question and write down their answer in one session, beginning to end, without stopping. This is not one of those messages. It took me days to work through this message, not because the energy was overwhelming or because it went off in tangents, which it did, but because it took me a while to grasp what they were telling me before I could continue to the next piece of the message, so I could understand it. There’s a lot to unpack and think about here, and after I took it all in, I had to think about what I was going to do with it. Still working on that!

Although the message is somewhat of a bombshell — at least it was for me — as most of their messages are, it was also hopeful and encouraging. As human beings, we become frustrated and weary with life and all of its challenges at times. If you believe in reincarnation, as I do and as the Angels confirm, sometimes it can seem so redundant and overwhelming to know that when we finish with this life, we’ll go on to plan the next, and the next, and the next. The Angels tell us that our souls rejoice in every lesson learned and are grateful for every hardship and challenge we’ve endured, but it’s hard as human being to accept that, much less look forward to it. This message offers the possibility that the merry-go-round that is life after life after life is not as never ending as it sometimes seems, even as it offers an explanation for how we are feeling right now.

Question: We all volunteered to be here on Earth at this time, so we could help with The Shift. Can you speak to the various roles we all play, please?


We would ask that you be patient as we answer this question, because we wish to address facets of it that are not so obvious. While it is true that all of you who live on Earth right now came to help with The Shift, it is also true that by doing so, you also help yourselves, each other, and your souls by being here at this time.

Your souls are driven to grow and evolve. They plan each lifetime with that in mind. While souls benefit from universal knowledge which you do not retain when you incarnate, there is still an element of impatience involved in their evolution, just as there often is with yours. Even though souls can choose to wait as long as they wish to begin planning their next lives, and they do not have to reincarnate until they are ready, most do not spend an excessive amount of time in the soul realms, even though it is a less stressful place to be, because as they see the growth and evolution they were able to attain in their former lifetimes, they are highly motivated to achieve more. Sometimes they are tired, traumatized, and overwhelmed by previous lifetimes, because they experience all that their human counterparts experience, but they are usually determined to make more progress. You are all tired from time to time during one lifetime, understandably, but your souls remember all their lifetimes.

Just as most of you become impatient from time to time, your souls also become impatient sometimes. It is a rarity for a human being to live an overall easy life, although many of you judge others’ lives to be easy. Your soul plans your life not with the idea that they want it to be easy and trouble free, although there are good experiences included in the plan as well , because not everything is learned through hardship. There are many lessons that are found through joy, peace, hope, and love, as well. Although a soul could plan a life that is mostly trouble free and easy, they rarely do, because like many of you can relate to, they want as much “bang for their buck” during a lifetime as possible in terms of evolving, growing, and experiences they need in order to advance in their spiritual journey. Just as many of you choose to explore a spiritual path, your souls do the same. It is what drives them.

There is no religion in the soul realms, only spiritual pursuits in a bid to strengthen the universal connection to the Creator they and we all carry within us. The goal is to reach a point of complete communion with the Creator and all the universe. All religions are based in spirituality, that is, understanding the world and your place in it, and finding meaning out of life. What people must understand and learn to accept is that this understanding and meaning is intended to be and should be different for everyone. Certainly, there are some commonalities, many of which are buried within most religions, but paths and purposes vary from person to person, from soul to soul, from lifetime to lifetime.

This is the foundation of the life plans your souls develop for every incarnation. You are all intended to learn, understand, grow, and evolve during every lifetime in various ways. A soul never duplicates a life plan, first, because whatever you learn and experience does not need to be repeated, because it stays with your soul always, and second, because no life plan can possibly include everything your soul needs to learn, so your soul is quick to move on to new lessons after old lessons are conquered.

Every lifetime defines a different purpose or purposes. Different events, experiences, circumstances, and gifts lead to fulfilling different purposes and learning different lessons. If you were privy to all of your past lifetimes, you would see that each one is very unique and different from the others. You have all been and will be many different people. Male, female, different races, religions, sexualities, careers, education levels, economic levels, and you will play many roles and serve a variety of purposes. It is not uncommon for you to serve in and experience many dichotomies in lifetimes, such as slave and slave owner, persecutor, and persecuted, living in wealth and in poverty, sickness and good health, religion and atheism, and so many others.

It sounds confusing, challenging, and exhausting, does it not? Yet, your souls cherish, appreciate, and are grateful for all of these experiences. For humans, it is not so easy to accept this. If you are wondering how you can move beyond what sounds so much like a merry-go-round, we will tell you that it is as simple and as complicated as stopping and getting off the ride.

Many of you are in the midst of doing this very thing right now both on a human and a soul level because of The Shiftand all the energies that have arrived and continue to arrive with it. You are all here right now to assist with The Shift, but you are also here to evolve with it. If you were born before 2012, the way for you to evolve is not to focus on whatever is happening around you but to focus on what is within you. It is a time of self-discovery that will eventually lead to unity and connection, but before it does, most of you will have to disconnect with what you have always believed and known, with habits and traditions, and even with some people and society in general.

You must learn to differentiate between who society, friends, family, culture, and the world tell you that you are and who and what you truly are. You must learn the difference between your human nature and your soul nature and find a way to blend them. Your soul cannot, will not, and should not overtake or overshadow your humanity. Instead, it will enrich and explain it better than any religion or spiritual practice ever could. This blending will lead to understanding who and what you are, and your purpose for being here, which will always be connected to helping others.

This is a journey. It will take your entire lifetime at least, to complete it, but progress will be made. You all have a life plan in place, but you may not realize that you do not have to be limited by it. For example, if one of the purposes in your life plan is to learn selflessness by the end of your lifetime, it does not necessarily have to take your entire lifetime to do so. A life plan is very much a work-at-your-own-pace course, and now, with The Shift in full play, many life plans and purposes are accelerating.

This means you will have more time to advance and evolve, and the energies on Earth will facilitate this. Because of The Shift, evolution is happening faster for everyone, so many of you are completing your objectives early and can add to the things you learn during this lifetime and go beyond the plan. Since your consciousness is on the rise, you will be more prone to seek new knowledge and understanding.

There have always been those who accomplish, grow, and evolve more than was anticipated, even though the dimension and attached energies on Earth did not encourage this until recently. There have always been seekers for knowledge and understanding beyond the life plan. Now, because of The Shift, there are many more of you with this mindset, and you are becoming the rule, rather than the exception. The higher dimension and higher vibrational energy act as catalysts that motivate the already motivated to expand their minds and open their hearts even further. It is a beautiful thing for us to witness, as more and more of you challenge yourselves to more fully explore and expand your potential.

So, as humanity evolves at a faster pace, so do your souls. Instead of it taking a lifetime to complete all the objectives identified and targeted in a life plan, for many of you, these objectives are conquered earlier in life. This does not usually affect the exit plan, meaning when your human life ends, so you have time left over to make more progress to learn and grow beyond the plan, evolving faster. To again put it in layman’s terms, you and your soul get “more bang for your buck” during a single lifetime than ever before.

Expanding on that, as more individuals evolve and grow, the energy they produce at a higher vibration has a positive effect on the collective energy simply by them being alive on Earth at this time. Even if they did nothing to get directly involved with the obvious changes needed on Earth as The Shiftprogresses, their existence alone would positively impact these changes, along with Earth’s and humanity’s evolution, which will eventually lead to an advanced world of high consciousness individually and collectively.

As chaotic as these times seem, try to keep in mind that they are also beautiful and wonderful in many ways. Look for and participate in the beauty and wonder that surrounds you, and use the energy to expand your mind and heart, to evolve at a faster than ever pace, and to further assist with The Shift.

You have much left to do, but there will eventually be a time when living on Earth will become about helping not only yourselves and each other, but other worlds entirely, because your individual consciousnesses, as well as the collective consciousness, will have risen to the point where you are self-sufficient and can spend your time in service to others, rather than living in the survival mode you have experienced up to this point.

Many other worlds have been at the point where you are now, and they have evolved to this self-sustaining point we speak of, and they are helping you now with your own transition, just as you will help others one day. You are on a path that will lead to this point, and you will not be deterred from reaching it. It is only a matter of time and hard work, but you will eventually arrive. So, have hope, and hold onto it when you feel challenged by the chaos surrounding you. Life will not always be a merry-go-round ride.

We send you all Love and Light as you proceed on this spiritual journey.

Final Thoughts

I find this message very hopeful not just for me during this lifetime, but in hopes that — and I’m being very honest here — I won’t have to come back here for as many lifetimes as previously needed in order to learn and experience what I need to evolve to the point where “I get it!” I’ve lived long enough and experienced enough hardship that I feel tired. The idea of reaching a point where I no longer feel compelled to learn more unless I want to is very tempting and inviting. Of course, when we do reach that point, we’ll probably be willing to reincarnate if not here, then elsewhere, in order to help others reach the same summit, but that’s a whole other story. Maybe, if that’s the case, we can plan one of those rare, easy lifetimes where we can help without as many hardships along the way. Hey, I can dream, right?

In any case, I like the whole “more bang for your buck” idea. If we’re already here, we might as well learn, experience, and evolve as much as possible, right? More of us want to learn more about life and purpose and the universe, etc. now more than ever before, so it’s nice to know the conditions are right to accelerate that process. The key, I think, is getting closer to our souls, so they can guide us, because in the end, we want the same thing, and they can tell us how to get there faster than we can figure it out. More bang, less buck.

This is the last Friday of the month and the last Friday meditation with the intention set for finding courage for us, each other, and the collective. It takes courage to embark on these spiritual journeys, that’s for sure. So, if you’re willing and have the time, wherever you are, whenever you’re available today, set some time aside to send loving energy out for the purpose of everyone finding the courage they need to move forward and make a positive difference, especially those who haven’t thought to do that yet. The Archangels will collect our energy and disperse it.

Also, if you have the time this weekend and are so inclined, a new podcast aired this last Wednesday which I and my AAP partner, Kathleen Johnson, participated in as guests. It’s an episode of Beyond the Reiki Gateway, and you can find it on any major podcast app, or on YouTube. We talk all about the AAP program and how we put it together, with a lot of help from the Archangels.

Our lives are being lived at an accelerated pace in so many ways. I will not wish you an accelerated weekend, because who wants that?! However, I will wish you a reflective weekend, and I hope you will consider spending part of that time thinking about ways you can move forward that will access new information that will help you advance on both a human and a soul level. Consider sitting down and writing on a piece of paper or typing in a computer the question, “What do you wish me to know about myself?” and posing it to your higher self. Write down whatever comes to mind. You might be surprised at the response.

Happy Friday, and many blessings to all of you.



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