The Archangels Set the Record Straight

I had a great question come into my website,, in the “Ask the Angels” section where people can post their questions, free of charge, and I channel the answer if I haven’t done so already. The question pertained to the story of Lucifer in the Bible and asked whether or not the story was true. Before I wade into the Angels’ response, I’d like to remind you that you should take what resonates and leave the rest. It’s not my intention, much less the intention of the Archangels to ruffle anybody’s feathers. If you prefer to stick to the Bible’s rendition, that’s perfectly fine, as we all make sense of things in our own way. I’d just as soon avoid any hate mail, if you disagree with the answer I pass on, if it’s all the same to you.
In case you’re not familiar with the story and the traditional thought that goes with it, Lucifer was an Archangel who was supposed to be the most beautiful, talented, and powerful of them all. He was God’s right-hand man (er, make that Angel) and did his bidding. However, Lucifer became vain and jealous. He loved himself more than he loved God and staged a rebellion to take over God’s throne. God raised His own army of Archangels, led by Michael, and defeated Lucifer, casting him and his followers out of Heaven. Lucifer became Satan and continues to plot against God, which will ,lead to a final battle for power.
I’d channeled about Heaven, Hell, the devil, demons, and the Archangels before, but I hadn’t ever asked about Lucifer specifically, so I took the time to do so, and the Angels’ answer follows.
Question: The Bible talks about Lucifer, the fallen Angel, who loved himself more than God, so God cast him out. Is there any truth to this story?
None, whatsoever. Often, scripture has been enhanced or modified, but this particular Bible story is a complete fabrication. In the story, Lucifer is described as beautiful and vain, and it has been said his sin was pride, that he raised an army of Angels who tried to dethrone God, and God cast him out of Heaven, along with his army. This story was devised by men to teach the folly of being prideful and to reinforce the strength of God. It is fiction, and from a divine perspective, makes no sense.
First of all, Angels are not incarnate, that is, they have no physical form, although we can appear as though we do. So, the idea that Lucifer was beautiful and enamored with his appearance is silly. Angels sometimes appear to have form, but that only happens when dealing with incarnated, sensory beings, such as human beings, so they can relate better to and recognize us. We do not have form while in the angelic realms. We do not even go by names, as we recognize each other through our energy signatures.
Secondly, as is the case in many Bible passages, human characteristics and traits were assigned to God, and God is not human. He/She/It does not fall prey to anger, jealousy, revenge, or wrath. God does not harm people or Angels. God harms no creatures; they are creations He/She/It made, and all of creation is loved.
Angels have universal knowledge, as do your souls. We are evolved creatures. We are not prideful or jealous. We love you, and we love the Creator. We know this may come as a disappointment to some, although probably not to most who care to read this, but God is not a bearded, seemingly human-like man, who sits on a throne in Heaven, watching what people on Earth do all day. He/She/It does not punish or reward people or Angels. The only emotion-like presence the Creator encompasses is elemental Love, which is infinitely stronger than emotional love and beyond human understanding. It is everlasting. It is the main “ingredient” in creation. It is divine, and every creature made carries a spark of it within them which acts as a tether to the Creator, as well as to each other. Every one of you, as well as every Archangel, has this elemental spark of Love.
Lastly, there are no fallen Angels or demons or devil. There have been six Angels who have stepped away from their duties, but not due to punishment or rebellion. They simply needed rest. Most of us never retire, but through the ages, six among us have stepped aside. There was no bitterness or betrayal involved, and there were no hard feelings. Some of them continue to rest, while others occasionally help in various ways, so on Earth they might be considered as retired or semi-retired individuals.
Consider, also, that there is no hierarchy here. We are united and work together, always. The only division you might recognize is through the assignments we have. Guardian Angels guard, as their title suggests. Their job is to keep their assigned human safe, and they do this very well. As humans, you are often not aware when they intervene for safety reasons, but they do so often, protecting you from all manner of harm. If it is not a part of your life plan, they keep you safe. You do not have to request their help or intervention, and they are always vigilant.
We Archangels are assigned to help humans navigate through life while you are on Earth. Unless you arranged for our intervention in your life plan before you incarnated, we require your request and invitation to intervene in your life. We love it when you ask us for help, and we always hear you.
We may not be able to help you in the way you want, but we will find a way to assist you. For example, we cannot help you win the lottery, but we can send people and opportunities your way that ease your financial burden. We cannot go against your life plan, but we can help you reach the goals within it, and we can always offer comfort and strength as you proceed through difficult times during your life.
We do not say there is no truth in the Bible or that it is not worth reading. We only offer the truth, which is there are parts within it that are mistaken, mistranslated, misunderstood, and at the risk of offending some, which is never our intention, there are parts that were tampered with and created by men, many with good intentions. You are not judged or punished for your actions on Earth. There is no Heaven or Hell, Satan or demons. These are all human constructs intended to induce fear and to control and manipulate people.
You do not have to take our word for this. We suggest going to your heart for answers, and if you have questions, seek the answers. Despite what some religious leaders might tell you, there is no offense to God when you do this, much less any divine punishment. Regardless, of what you do, say, think, or believe, you are loved unconditionally for eternity.
Final Thoughts
No big surprises here for me. I was a little surprised by the initial “None whatsoever” response, as they usually work their way up to it a little more. Sometimes, people are so used to believing that they will be judged and risk an eternity in a torturous hell if they don’t do what their religion tell them to do, they don’t bother to think for themselves. Many don’t know how to think for themselves. I promise I’m not putting them down for it, but I’m sad for them. It takes courage to question lifelong beliefs, especially when the people who instilled them in you had good intentions and thought they were doing the right thing.
As I’ve shared in past articles. God doesn’t zap us! The Angels say we should release guilt and shame attached to past mistakes, because everything we do is an opportunity for growth and learning. That’s why we come to Earth in the first place. The things we consider to be terrible mistakes, according to them, are usually pretty standard for most people, and many of them are part of our life plans, so we can evolve spiritually. I wonder how many of us can truly grasp what unconditional love means. Because we are loved unconditionally, we are not judged or condemned. In fact, some of our souls agree to do “bad” things not only for their own growth, but to help others grow, also.
The Archangels say any religion that inspired love, joy, hope, and peace is a good religion, especially if it leads us to be kind to others. At the core of all world religions, this is a common theme. Sadly, somewhere along the way, some people skip over that part and use religion as an excuse for poor behavior and for persecution of others. You know the type, twisting meaning of scriptures to suit themselves and their own purposes.
The Bible reflects a time when physical strength and force were considered to be necessary and advantageous. Those of us who have evolved since then realize that true strength lies in actions done out of love, rather than out of fear. When someone toes the line (toes or tows?) out of fear of repercussions if they don’t, eventually, they’ll try to get away with not following the rules as resentment builds. However, if someone follows the rules because they make sense, and they believe in them, because they want to follow them, they’re far more likely to continue on that path. Fear does not inspire faithfulness, as love does.
We’re in the process of discarding old ways of force and control, but we’re not there yet. The Angels say we’re headed in the right direction, though, as we learn to respect and accept each other’s differences and realize that everyone should have the right and the freedom to live their lives in their own way, as long as it isn’t harmful to others.
Happy Friday, everyone. If you’re inclined and available, don’t forget that the intention for Friday night meditation with the Archangels is personal joy. Tis the season and all that, but really, joy should be an everyday thing and not just reserved for holidays. If you haven’t had any joy in a while, join us tonight from wherever you are, at any time that is convenient for you, and the Angels will add their own energy to yours to help you find and maintain joy in your life. Keep an eye out for the upcoming annual holiday message from the Archangels. I haven’t channeled it yet, but I know they want to send greetings, Love, and Light your way, so I’ll be posting that before Christmas. I hope you have a joyful, fear-free weekend and remember that you are loved unconditionally, for eternity.
Blessings to all of you.