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My Last Political Article (?)

This One Includes a Channeled Article from the Archangels

I’m sick to death of politics and the election, and I thought I’d finished with writing about them. I’ve gone back and forth about whether or not to write this article and share the message I channeled yesterday. I didn’t channel it with the intention of making it into an article. I channeled it and asked the question, because I needed comfort and guidance. Afterwards, I felt better, as I usually do after speaking to the Angels, and that was the deciding factor in sharing it with you. Regardless of who you want to win the election, I hope you find solace and hope after reading it.

It all started when I listened to Ahna Hendrix’s podcast regarding the election, the Soul Driven Podcast. If you don’t know Ahna’s work, you should consider looking into her. She’s quite diversified now, but much of her work started when she began accessing the Akashic Records, channeling information from there, and sharing it with others. I’ve been a guest on her podcast in the past, and I find Ahna delightful and very genuine. She writes here on Medium, she has her podcast, and she teaches various courses, among other things. As a matter of fact, I think she just opened up her latest course this week, which I would dearly love to take if I had a little more time. I hope she’ll offer it again, when I’m not in the middle of a move and so busy with my own business. Her website is

Anyway, Ahna shared an Akashic message on her podcast regarding the election, and she asked some very interesting, thought provoking questions. What she shared resonated as true to me, but it also threw me for a loop. I don’t want to steal Ahna’s thunder, but the part that really made me go down a rabbit hole was when it was suggested that in some ways, a Trump win could speed up positive changes. That part wasn’t what threw me, because the more problems caused by right or left wing extremists that emerge bring about more unity among the masses. When Roe was overturned, there was and continues to be a great rise in unity as people join together to protect the rights of others, whether they’re personally affected by the decision or not. Although I wish it hadn’t been overruled, the unity part is a positive.

The promises and threats that Trump continues to make will bring people together if he actually pursues them. I won’t get into specifics here, but people are becoming more vocal and active regarding personal rights, and as more are threatened, I think we’ll see people joining forces to ensure that freedom remains.

Anyway, after listening to the podcast, I started wondering if I was being short-sighted and not seeing the full picture. The things that went through my head! Would it be better to have Trump in office, so things that needed to be changed or prevented would be accelerated? Was it selfish on my part to want to keep Trump out of office, so I wouldn’t have to deal with the chaos he brings? Was that cowardly? Would my kids and grandkids have to suffer more if the changes so desperately needed were put off by electing a more peaceful leader? To say the least, I became very unsure and upset. I want to thank Ahna for sharing the message with us, because it’s always a good thing when something makes me think, evaluate, and reevaluate, even if it’s sometimes uncomfortable. I’m grateful to her.

Anyway, because I was so upset, I sought out the Archangels’ counsel. I felt a lot better after speaking with them, and that’s why I’ve decided to share this message. If nothing else, I hope it helps us put things into perspective and remember that, regardless of who wins the election, we’re going to survive and eventually thrive.

Question: Ahna’s podcast confuses me, in that I’m not sure what would be better regarding the presidential election’s outcome. Would it be better for Trump to win, so changes would be made faster, never mind the likelihood that there would be turmoil and damage? Or would it be better for Harris to win and changes be slowed? It seems that Harris would be better in the short term, and it would be easier for me, but does that just mean my kids and grandkids will suffer more in the future? Am I being selfish or short-sighted wanting Harris to win?


Whoa! Take a deep breath! You are putting way too much emphasis on the outcome of this election and the aftereffects from it. While Ahna’s podcast makes some very valid points, remember she also shared what we have been sharing for some time, that whoever wins will not make or break the nation or the world.

Trump has caused many problems, and if he is elected, he will cause many more, and there will be damage to people and the country and the world. We are not criticizing him much less condemning him, and we repeat that people like him serve an important purpose that will eventually lead to positive change.

As with all of the seemingly negative influences and events which have happened, these things and people will also prompt unity among the masses and that unity will lead to change at a faster pace than if things appear to be running more smoothly. People are less prone to take action when their lives are not in turmoil, even though still waters do not necessarily mean things are running smoothly.

If Trump is elected, he will open the door to those who wish to exert more control over the country and the people, pushing their personal agendas and trying to force the masses to bend to their will, but the masses will not stand for it. Too many of you are too awakened to follow their lead or turn a blind eye to what they will try to do.

There would be confrontations and possibly violence, but the masses will not accept being stripped of their personal rights and freedom. Nor will they stand aside and quietly allow others to be forced to comply with unreasonable demands and the demands that will be made will be obviously unreasonable as is usually the case when dealing with religious zealots and power-hungry narcissists.

There was a time when smaller subgroups could be targeted without consequence, but those days are over. Just consider that the number of women who could even face the possibility of choosing to have an abortion do not make up the majority, yet the majority of people want them to have the right to choose. Consider, also, the LGBTQ+ community. Whether altogether or within their separate “categories,” they do not make anywhere near the majority of the population, yet their rights are at the forefront for which people are fighting.

If you look closely to other parts of the world such as parts of Europe and the Middle East, even in places where supreme rulers have exercised control over others in the past, they are struggling to maintain that control. The masses are beginning to rebel against them. It is only a matter of time before such regimes and dictators fall from power.

Should Harris win, the pace of change could slow in comparison, because the level of desperation will be lower. It is not wrong to want to avoid conflict and desperation. There will still be hardships and problems that no leader, no one person or group can deter, but there would likely be a higher level of calm and more empathy used in the process of trying to change and improve things, and it is unlikely that many systemic changes would come to light as quickly because of this.

However, the issues will still be there with more to come, and although life will not be as obnoxious and ineffective as would be the case under Trump’s leadership, neither would the masses be spared from suffering these hardships and challenges. There is no escaping change or an increase in troubles, and one person, regardless of how many supporters he or she has, will not be able to spare the people from some of the dire circumstances to come. The only way past this is through the unity of the masses. You will have growing pains to endure in the future, before problems can be solved. There is no avoiding this.

What we have said from the beginning is that it will not be leaders within governments who save and change the world, it will be the masses. A leader with as much power as the US President can certainly affect things negatively or positively, but they will neither break nor save the country, the world or the people.

You asked if it would be better if Trump or Harris wins, and the best and truest answer we can give is that in the long run, it will not matter overmuch. Right now, the world is biding its time, until the next generations come of age and become the future leaders needed to solve not only their countries’ problems, but the world’s problems. They will not be in positions of influence and power until well after the winners of the upcoming elections are determined and have come and gone in office. Neither candidate has the capability of fixing what is broken. Neither will have the power or the kind of influence or support to accomplish his or her goals. Neither their supporters nor the masses will be satisfied with whatever accomplishments are made.

Not only do you expect too much of them, but you take on too much responsibility for yourself. While exercising your right to vote is important for several reasons, and despite the fact that you are all individually powerful beings, you cannot fix the world by yourselves. It will take nearly all of you in unity to do that, and while you are headed in that direction, you have not yet reached that destination.

In the meantime, what you can do that will have the most impact on the future is how you meet the present. Do not succumb to the fear others are sending to you. Do not add anger to others’ anger. Work on yourself. Seek joy, peace, and love, and share these with others. By adding to yourself, you add to others.

If you want to do something to improve things, begin with yourself, branch out to others and perhaps look for ways to help others in your community who need help. Community efforts and grass roots movements often spread, and positive results occur much more quickly than if you try to begin at the national or international level. Treat others with kindness and offer support where it is needed and where you can give it. Massive movements always begin with an individual or small group before they grow and spread. Do what you can, however small it may seem, to make a positive impact on someone or something.

All of these small initiatives combine to alter the energy and the people surrounding them to overcome negativity, and to offer hope. These random acts of kindness and the positive outreach make a far greater difference than you know and tend to have a ripple effect that touches many more people than you realize.

Stay vigilant. Speak out for justice and equality and defend those who are persecuted, even if you are not among them. Do not stay a silent witness to persecution or injustice, even if that means limiting sharing your opinions among those you know and trust. Do not depend upon elected leaders to fix the country’s or the world’s problems. That responsibility should be and can only effectively be shared among all of you.

Do whatever you can to set things up for the next generation, so that when they assume their positions of leadership, they are poised for success, not because you did the work and found the solutions for them, but because you added to the positive healing energy that will pave the way toward change and their success, and because you have helped to establish a sense of open-mindedness and hope, rather than wallowing in fear and anger.

Final Thoughts

I’m guilty of being impatient. I want the world to change and become better now, now, now! That’s not going to happen on a grand scale for some time, I’m afraid, because the majority are still not ready or able to make it happen. I think it’s also human nature to look for shortcuts. Not only do we want things to improve immediately, but we don’t want to struggle a lot to make it happen. We always look for a more non-resistant path, and I’m afraid for some things, such a path is non-existent.

I think it’s going to take a long time to set things right, to get rid of the systems and people in power who are no longer working for us, and to rebuild new systems and find new leaders that solve the many problems we face. I doubt I’ll live long enough to see most of it accomplished, and I certainly don’t have the power to put most of these things into motion. There’s such a thing as divine timing. I need to work on trusting in it more.

There are some things I can do, though. I can continue to work on myself and become a better, more evolved person. I can continue to try to keep an open mind (although, thank God they didn’t suggest that I vote for Trump; I’m only human, and I could not have done that!). I also need to remember to practice what I and the Angels preach and remember that the outcome of the election, regardless of how I feel about the candidates, will not tell the tale or decide the future. I can reach for hope, rather than fear.

I voted on Thursday, and as I left, I mentally washed my hands of the election. I’d done my part, and I wanted to put it all behind me and not be so invested in the outcome. I had no plans on writing another political article, and if you’ve noticed, I’ve never included Angel messages in political messages in the past. I thought the two didn’t mix, partly because the Angels never choose sides, like I do — they love us all; and partly because I would never suggest the Angels and I agreed on politics — they would never endorse a candidate. True to form, they did not tell us who to vote for, and they focused on the positive things that could happen regardless of who wins the election.

The reason I chose to share this message is that I hope it brings you some peace of mind and reminds you, as it did me, that the election is not going to be our downfall or our salvation. We’ll have to find a way to solve our problems, get passed our differences and animosity, and join together. There are no shortcuts, and we’re going to struggle, but we can find our way through if we really want to, and if we keep an open mind and try to bridge the gaps between us, find common ground. It’s not going to happen overnight, neither the unity nor the solutions, but we can start now by laying the groundwork and lending a hand when and where it’s needed.

I think we all need to chill out a bit. However the election turns out, it’s not going to be the final solution or the end of the world. Let’s try to reach for hope, rather than fear, and let’s try to find some common ground. We’re all just people hoping for a better way of life, regardless of our differing ideas regarding how to reach that goal. Let’s be allies rather than enemies, because we’re all in this together.

Blessings, all.



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