They're Energetic!

This was one of those weird (in a good way!) channeled messages that became something I hadn’t anticipated, and there is great depth involved. I started off thinking in terms of getting guidance regarding teaching people through example or by them observing our actions as opposed to setting out to actively teach something to someone, and how teaching and learning are so intertwined.
Those Archangels, though, they can take off with an idea faster than you can imagine and turn it into something else entirely before you even know what happened! It’s cool, and I love it when that happens, but it’s also funny as I watch an inkling of one idea morph into something else entirely. In the end, the result turned out to be a very timely, comforting message that I think is very effective and much needed right now. I hope you enjoy it and take it to heart as much as I did. For those of you who follow me based on reading one of my political or personal opinion articles, this is something different. In addition to having an opinion on just about everything, I also channel the Archangels and share their messages. Feel free to take what resonates and leave the rest. Below is their latest contribution.
Question: I’d like to write about teaching and learning, especially when it comes to spiritual matters, and ways we can do that effectively.
This is a good topic for you and others to consider, and it is a good thing to address. There is a tendency to separate learners from teachers, yet teachers continue to learn as they teach, and as people learn, whether consciously or unconsciously, they become teachers themselves. You must do and be both if you are to grow and evolve.
Most teachers do not know that they teach the most when they are not in the conscious moment or intention of teaching. This is not only due to observation skills of their students, but because of the energy involved.
For example, if someone is intentionally teaching something to someone, there is much more than factual information being shared, there is a shared energy, and the quality of skills being shared is always secondary to the energy behind them. Even if the skill being taught is not yet or ever mastered, its energy is shared and absorbed, and so is the energy of the teacher.
Why is this important? Because within that energy lies intent, so even if someone has yet to master a skill, the intent behind it is felt, meaning if there is caring, loving intent attached to it, learning is taking place, and it will lead to change if the person pursues it, in addition to whatever skill is taught or learned. Let us use an example.
When someone is learning or wishes to learn how to meditate, they may seek out someone for instruction. Whether or not this person is able to teach the practice, the energy attached to how and what meditation does for them will transfer, and that energy will have a positive effect on some level. The positive effect of meditation is shared, whether the skill of mediation is taught and mastered, or not. If the learner continues to try to learn, even if in the end, they end up doing something entirely different or they do not do anything at all, the positive energy remains.
If a person is a loving person and consciously or unconsciously shares that love with others, the loving energy makes an impact, whether it is recognized, understood, or learned. If a high vibrational energy such as love finds its way to a person whose personal energy is at a much lower vibration, the combination of energy may not feel entirely comfortable, but it will still have a positive impact. That is not to say the person who experiences it will necessarily turn into a loving person themself, but if they experience this loving energy long enough, their own vibration will begin to rise.
Why is this important? As the individual consciousness rises, it will affect others in a positive way, thereby raising the consciousness of others, until the collective consciousness begins to rise, also. If you enjoy teaching others, that can be rewarding for you and those you teach, but even if you never intentionally teach, when others are around you, they will learn through the energy you share both intentionally and unintentionally, and they will learn and change simply by being in your presence, even if you never utter a word to them.
There is great division in the world today, and it scares many of you. What we wish to share is that the gap continues to narrow, rather than widen, due to the collective and individual rises in energy everywhere on Earth. It may take some time for people to open to and recognize it, and many people will continue to resist its pull, but never the less, change is occurring, and people are evolving. This will continue, despite the efforts of those who want the division to continue.
It appears as though hatred among people is strengthening, but it is, in fact, weakening. Earth’s energy no longer supports it comfortably, and neither does the collective consciousness of the majority of people on Earth. It will not disappear overnight, but you should know that it is shrinking. For the people who desperately cling to the fear, anger, and divisiveness, it is becoming increasingly more uncomfortable. At some point, whether they want to or are even conscious of doing it, they will release it, and if their inappropriate actions continue, it will be based on habit, rather than conscious intention.
There are still enough people who cling to these low vibrational options that they support each other and these energies, but that support is weakening, because it is no longer comfortable for individuals, and as these impulses weaken within individuals, there will be a reduction of support within the collective group, until it no longer exists.
Right now, many of you are fearful of political elections, and there is obvious divisiveness between sides. The best thing you can do to narrow the divide is to not engage in negative ways with those who oppose you. Do whatever is necessary to maintain peace of mind and send those on the opposing side loving energy and hope that they will find peace of mind, also. When you do this, it makes it harder and harder for them to hold onto the fear, anger, and hatred to which they cling.
This is why we set the intention for Friday night group meditations in September as compassion. Seek compassion for yourself as a means of maintaining peace of mind, and send it to those who resist it or do not know it, so that their lack of it becomes more uncomfortable. Whether or not receiving the energy of compassion teaches them what it is or how to use it, the energy attached to it will have a positive, if foreign, impact on them, just the same.
We send you all energies of Love, Light, and compassion, and invite you to join us tonight at any time, from any place, to add compassionate energy to others. We will gather this energy and disperse it with intention and purpose.
Final Thoughts
As the political arena continues to heat up, let’s remember that, whatever happens, whoever wins the election, we’ll get through it together, and we’re not alone. Let’s try to resist the fear and anger that’s so prevalent right now and focus on compassion for others and for ourselves. We’re going to be alright.
I hope you have a compassionate, relaxing, rejuvenating weekend. Try to take some time to devote to maintaining your peace of mind and remembering what the Angels said. Things are getting better, whether or not they are obvious, and when we have peaceful and loving energy, we teach others without doing or saying a thing. Let’s allow our energy to guide them and teach them and do its thing.
Blessings, all.