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"Their" Problems are Our Problems

The Archangels Tell Us Why We Should Help Each Other

We’re in the midst of growing unity that’s going to be a game changer. The Angels have said for some time that adversity and tyranny lead to unity among the people, and we can already see that this is true. I’m still furious that Roe v. Wade was overturned, but every state that has voted to protect abortion rights has ended up in support of a woman’s right to choose. The movement by conservative groups to overcome the separation of church and state and bring religion into schools and other public places has resulted in an outcry not only from civil rights groups, but from Christians all over the country. Project 2025, with its attack on personal rights, has been soundly rejected by the majority of people who have found out about it. People are coming together to protect each other, even when they are not directly involved or being actively attacked personally.

I asked the Archangels to speak to us about why it’s important to stand up for each other and to help and protect each other, and their response follows.

Question: I’d like to write about how problems faced by any sub- groups of humanity are everyone’s problems, not just those who are directly affected. Would you please weigh in on why we should care about other people’s problems?


This truth is a prerequisite realization that the majority of people must embrace before there can be peace on Earth and for Earth to fit comfortably and take its place within the fifth dimension. You are already well on your way.

We have spoken before about the divine, universal connection we all share through the Creator, and we have explained that unity comes about when you can see yourself in the faces of others and vice versa. Many of you are bothered more now than you were in the past when you see the suffering of others, and this is a symptom of the fifth dimension energy that now surrounds you.

Problems that have long existed can no longer be so easily dismissed, overlooked, or forgotten anymore. They will offend you and interfere with your peace of mind more and more from now on.

These problems will provoke unity in terms of finding suitable solutions, but further, they will lead to the realization that you are not only responsible for your own well-being, you are also responsible for each other’s wellbeing, and you will no longer be willing participants or even willing witnesses to the suffering of others. You will search for compromises that lead to solutions that address and reach others, even when the issues being addressed do not directly affect you. Let us give you some examples.

The basic necessities for life are everyone’s responsibility. It is up to all of humanity to address the needs for survival of others. Hunger, homelessness, drinking water, and healthcare should be had by all, not just those who can afford them. That is not to say you must give away your food and water, invite strangers into your home, or pay for others’ medical procedures. What it means is that you should question, get involved, support, and help find solutions to all of these problems, whether or not they include your personal suffering.

Right now, there are parts of the world, more widespread than you realize, where people are dying of starvation, do not have realistic access to water or shelter, or have adequate healthcare. These problems do not only exist in third world countries, they exist everywhere. You may not be able to fix these things by yourself, but you can contribute something toward needed solutions, even if it is only to raise your voice in question or alarm.

The days of shaking your head and turning away from these things, leaving them up to others in government or law enforcement to solve are coming to an end. If their solutions were enough, these problems would not still exist. When a tent city is leveled and the people are removed, you should ask where they will go. They do not simply disappear, you know. If they are being taken elsewhere but still have no home or place to stay, the only thing which has changed is the location. This is not a solution.

Even if you are willing to feed someone you come across who is hungry, the food you provide is a very temporary fix. Until forces are combined and solutions are found, the problem persists. If you report finding someone who is dying on the street, and an ambulance comes and takes them to an emergency hospital, and they are resuscitated then returned to the same set of circumstances without any follow up care, it is only a matter of time before the process is either repeated, or the person dies. Nothing is solved; the outcome is simply postponed.

There is no one person on Earth who can solve these things, but if you join together and demand change, solutions that are permanent can be found, and this must happen.

You are fooling yourself if you believe that everyone has the capacity to save themselves from their dire circumstances. They do not. What you are on the cusp of realizing is that their crises are your gifts and opportunities to grow and evolve. Their souls agreed to live such difficult lives, so that you could evolve through helping them. By helping them, you also help yourself.

You must move beyond earthly levels into universal levels of problem solving. For example, when working on possible solutions for hunger, an earthly level thought process might include that everyone must eat in order to survive, and if someone has no food or a way to get food, it must be provided. The next step might be to provide a means for them to attain their food. You have a saying about giving a man a fish or a plate of food feeds him for a day, but teaching a man to fish or to farm feeds him for a lifetime. There is nothing wrong with this line of thinking, but it is shortsighted. Some people do not live by the sea or own farm land or the materials needed to fish or farm. What about them? You must move beyond this Earthly mindset into a universal mindset.

People do not starve, because they choose to do so. People do not sleep on the streets or form tent communities, because they are lazy. For whatever reason, they lack opportunity, and solutions lie in finding and providing opportunities to survive and thrive for all people. You do not have to do everything for them, but you do need to do your part to ensure that opportunity exists for them to help themselves. When a tent city is leveled, and the people are moved, what opportunities do they have to prevent them from remaining in or returning to the same predicament?

There are some who expect others to provide for them and have no interest in solving their own problems, but they are very few. Most people would prefer to have the basic necessities, but they lack opportunities to get them on their own. As a whole, humanity must ensure that everyone has these opportunities, not because there is a risk that desperate people will do desperate things, but because every person has the right to live with dignity and have the chance to live comfortably without having to worry about survival.

Because you are all connected through divine origin, you should realize that you are all worthy, and if one of you suffers, it is up to all of you to help fix the problem. You are all pieces of the same whole, therefore, if even one piece becomes lost or damaged, it affects all of you, as missing or damaged pieces make you incomplete. If you want to be whole, you must join together.

This is easier than you think. Yes, the problems you face are vast and difficult, but whether you directly feel the suffering of others or not, their problems are also yours, because you cannot be complete without each other. There are enough resources on the planet to meet the needs of everyone. You all must only make sure that all people have access to these resources, and remember, the most valuable resource of all is the people themselves.

We send you all energies of Love and Light. You need only to accept them.

Final Thoughts

Solving problems like hunger and homelessness seems so overwhelming, but just because these problems have always existed doesn’t mean they always have to exist. I don’t know how to fix these things, but I think the first step is wanting to fix them and caring about those who suffer from them.

The part of this message that really stood out for me was when they said that the souls of the people who are suffering agreed to live such lives in order that we might grow and evolve through helping them. There is no lack of people who are suffering for a variety of reasons, therefore there is no lack of opportunity for us to help them. This doesn’t mean we have to live on the streets with them or go to dangerous places with blankets and food to give away. Those are noble things to do, but they are temporary and short-lived solutions.

If we want to enter into a higher level of life, we have to think at a higher level in terms of addressing the problems we all face. I find it reassuring that the people who are fighting against things like Project 2025, abortion bans, and measures that curtail human rights are not necessarily affected by these things personally, but they cannot abide the fact that others are adversely affected. That’s the direction toward which we all need to move.

Inequality and unfair treatment of others, as well as actions and policies which adversely affect people, are an affront to all of us, whether or not we are directly affected. People who want to do these things shouldn’t only be concerned with the often powerless people they persecute, but they should know going into it that they will have to face down all of us, as we defend others who cannot defend themselves.

I still believe the majority of people on Earth are basically good people who want to help others in need. In order to do that, however, we must conclude that “their” problems are essentially our problems, too.

Blessings, all.



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