The Archangels Say We're Winning the Battle

About every three months, I channel the Angels regarding the progress on The Shift, the movement of the Earth from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. I think this update is especially important, as we’re nearing the end of 2024, and 2025 will bring in some major changes politically, and it seems like the split between the masses is wider than ever, with many predictions of dire consequences ahead. A lot of people are scared. Some are angry. For some, there has been a loss of hope and joy.
I’ve learned and worked hard to keep in mind that predictions are not truths, they’re just guesses, and the Angels tell us the future is never set in stone, because of the free will practiced by all people, which can change everything on a dime. I’ve shared in past articles my dad’s wisdom, that we shouldn’t borrow trouble, and I try hard not to do that. I prefer to be optimistic, and as I trust the Angels completely, I believe them when they say we’re gaining ground toward a better world. I’ll let them tell you in their own words, as follows. Rather than rely on the news, let’s get some information more divine and non-biased in nature, a view that is not only worldwide, but covers the entire universe.
Question: Can you please give us an update on how The Shift is progressing?
It is a good time to do this, and we hope the information will serve to comfort those who read it.
Many fear political leaders right now and what they will do in the coming months and years. In truth, it is not these people who pose the greatest risk, but those who control them. Political leaders are well known, and while they are far from transparent, they are carefully watched by many, so they are somewhat limited in so much as what they can do overtly. Some of the people who control them are not so easily viewed, and it is they who have their own agendas for their own purposes. They mostly serve themselves, regardless of what they say. They are greedy for power and control but they prefer to work from the shadows. However, they cannot hide from us. We are very aware of everything happening on Earth, and while we will not share everything with you, we can definitely tell you that things are moving in the right direction.
We will tell you this: The masses are gaining power every day. Individuals all around the world are discovering they are more powerful and capable of achieving what they want in their lives and there is an expansion that has them thinking beyond their own lives and evaluating the world around them. They see the disfunction and the injustice, and they are beginning to consider the changes needed to improve their neighborhoods, their cities, their states and provinces, their countries, and the entire world and planet.
These individualistic outlooks are beginning to merge, and they are building toward unity among the people.
We are so proud of you! Those in power have targeted subgroups, thinking they are fewer in number and easier to overpower, but they cannot yet see the extent or the change in the collective consciousness. They are not privy to what we can see, and we see a major growth in unity where subgroups are concerned. By this, we mean that more and more people who do not belong to these targeted subgroups are standing with, behind, and by them, in their defense, for their sake and for the sake of justice and equality. This is exactly what is needed to defeat those in power.
Those who persecute them do not recognize the change in the air. They do not know that so many of you are no longer willing to turn a blind eye toward their actions simply because they do not directly affect you. They do not yet know that you will defend those who are being targeted. But they will know soon enough.
We think it is important to state that persecuting small groups of people is an experiment in taking control over others. If they are successful, and power and control are gained, they will expand their target area until everyone is subjected to their edicts and demands. Although, clearly, this is an area of concern, we believe it is destined for failure, because too many people have had a rise in consciousness, which in turn has contributed to the collective consciousness, which will in turn lead to unity, which will defy and overcome the tyrannical plans these power-hungry people are trying to put into place. What these people do not realize is, the more they work against the masses, the more they will provoke unity among them.
This is the climate in which you find yourselves. The more the power moguls push their agenda, the more there will be a shift, an increase in unity. Embrace it and contribute to it in whatever way you are able, whether that is through your words, thoughts, or actions. It may initially feel as though you are alone, but we tell you, you are not. Yes, we are with you, but so are many, many of the people around you.
Because there are signs of unity rising, propaganda continues to be disbursed. Fear and anger are being nurtured and stoked to promote and strengthen division among the masses, to weaken signs of unity, because those who seek power and control know they cannot defeat the masses if they unite. So, release your hard feelings and reevaluate who your true enemies are. Those who pose the real threat are fewer in number and rely on emotional manipulation and lies to further their causes, and they continually instigate conflict between the masses. Do not be fooled by them and do not condemn those who are fooled. Instead, seek ways to understand them and find common ground.
There is a snowball effect underway. Enough of you are evolving that your energy jump starts the evolution of those around you. The rise of your energetic vibration alone is enough to trigger a positive response in others without uttering a single word. There is so much upheaval in the world that a simple act of kindness – a quiet smile, simple words of praise and gratitude, and comfort – has quadrupled in effect. People are so hungry for sentiments and actions that come from the heart, and when they come into contact with them, the effect is so much stronger than it ever has been in the past, and those heart-centered feelings not only stay with them and impact them greatly, they grow and inspire them to return and these sentiments and actions to others, and so the collective consciousness continues to rise.
These are things we wish you to focus on as new hardships and obstacles crop up in the future, and they will. You are in the midst of a power struggle happening worldwide. As more people find their inner power, as they become stronger, as they unite, those who have enjoyed and prospered through having power over others and are on top of the food chain, so to speak, will become more and more desperate to hold onto their positions of control and influence.
We are telling you with complete confidence that they are fighting a losing battle. You worry about what they will do, how things will change, and we tell you, their power wanes as yours increases. Do not accept their ideas and do not approve their demands. Join together and refuse them and their plans. It is truly that simple. Choose not to accept or cooperate. Raise your voices and say no! Stand up for yourselves, but also stand up for each other. If you see someone else being treated unfairly, make your disapproval known.
This does not require a large audience, a podium, a microphone, or violence of any kind. If your feelings come from the heart, they will spread and be heard. Words, thoughts, and actions all carry energy. Heart-centered energy is far more powerful than emotional energy found in fear, anger, and the like. You need only work half as hard for heart energy to spread and affect others as those who work to stoke negative emotional energy.
We cannot say hard times are over yet, but energetically speaking, we can say they are in decline. We can also proclaim that individual and collective consciousness is on a steady rise and gaining power daily. Do not get caught up in the fear. It is a trap, as well as buying into and spreading the anger around you.
Go back to the basics of self-care, and work to maintain joy, hope, love, and peace of mind at a personal level, which will automatically contribute to the collective level of consciousness. When you hold onto your fear, anger, and disappointment, you detract from the overall goal of making a better world. Just as heart-centered actions strengthen the world, thoughts and actions of fear and anger weaken it.
You are winning this fight, even if it does not always feel that way. It is up to the masses, not the world’s leaders, to make the world a better place, and we tell you with great confidence that you will win. Be patient and kind to yourself and to others. Lead the way to victory by setting these examples. Do not connect with the fear and anger so prevalent around you. Know that you are gaining ground daily, becoming stronger individually and collectively. Go within yourselves to find, to create your own place of joy, hope, love, and peace, so no matter what happens around you, you have your own place to retreat and regroup in your own mind and heart. Nurture not the fear and anger around you, but instead the heart energy and power you hold within you. By doing so, it will spread to others.
We send you all healing and powerful energies of Love and Light.
Final Thoughts
Since the election, I’ve written several articles that offer comforting messages and guidance from the Angels, because I can feel the anger, fear, bitterness, and disappointment many are still feeling on both sides. My friend, Don Wright, “The Ancient One,” who also writes on Medium is very gifted when it comes to understanding The Shift numerically and precisely. He also channels the Angels, and he assures me that we are not only on track in terms of rising in consciousness around the world, but we are doing great! Whereas I feel the collective consciousness, he sees it with more specific precision. I’m going to ask him to share some of the things he’s shared with me in some of his articles, because it’s very comforting and positive.
Here’s the thing; those of us who have progressed further on the spiritual path cannot afford to wait on others to catch up with us. We have to lead the way. That’s tricky, because many people don’t know a better way, and they’re not willing to follow a more spiritual path. Here’s where we need to be smart, because we need to realize that the way to make things better is not through forcing, controlling, and overpowering others. That’s what non-spiritual, unenlightened, unawakened people are trying to do all around us. That’s not the way.
Instead, we need to find compassion and patience for those who blame others for their problems and for those who live their lives based on lies, ignorance, and propaganda, those who live their lives in fear. They are easily manipulated by others who seek power and control, because they stoke that fear and feed their ignorance, adding to it at every turn. They are not likely to seek common ground or want to build bridges. We have to do that.
Imagine living your life in ignorant fear all the time. Imagine being angry all the time. Imagine feeling threatened at every turn. As aggravating as people like that are, we can feel sorry for them, if for no other reason, because they do not have any peace of mind, regardless of whether their political candidate wins, regardless of whether or not promises are kept or broken. They’re lost and they have no map to find their way out of their misery. They need a guide, and those of us who want to build a better world fit the bill, even though they don’t know they need to change direction yet.
If we meet their anger with more anger, it only helps their causes and strengthens their energy. They know what to do with anger, and they have no problem directing it at others. What makes them uncomfortable is kindness and acceptance. They don’t know what to do with it. If we offer them compassion and understanding, instead of anger and vitriol, maybe they’ll consider that there are better ways of doing things. Maybe they won’t, but we know meeting them with more anger doesn’t work. They’ll never learn from that. It will just widen the gap between us, and we’ll lose our own peace of mind.
If we’re going to talk the talk about wanting and making a better world, we also have to walk the walk. We can’t preach tolerance and acceptance of others if we don’t practice it ourselves. That’s not to say we have to hang out with them – that’ll kill our peace of mind too! – but we need to release the judgment and condemnation against them, just as we want them to release it against others.
That’s challenging, I know, but we can do it if we try. We can condemn and object to what they want, take a stand against it, without condemning them. We can fight them with compassion and determination, instead of anger and judgment. We can defend others against their plans and actions without hating them. As cliché as it sounds, we can take the high road and leave them behind on the low road. After all, they’re just people trying to make it through life the best they can, like us. Maybe they’ll eventually follow our lead, and maybe they won’t, but we’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that we’re fighting the good fight with integrity and good intentions. The fight that is heart-centered.
Blessings, all.