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What Jesus Wants (and Doesn't Want)

A Channeled Message for All

Usually, when I channel Yeshua (Jesus), it’s personal in nature, and I don’t share our conversations. All the Guides I channel are loving beings, but Yeshua is the most loving being I’ve ever encountered. The best way I can describe it is, it’s like I’m opened up, and the purest of love is poured inside me until it’s overflowing, because I’m so full, there’s no more room.

I posted my regular Friday message yesterday, and that’s all I’d intended to publish on Medium this week, but I was guided to channel Yeshua, and He gave me a message for everyone who’s interested, as follows.

Question: Yeshua, what is it that you want from people?


I will tell you what I want, but I will add what I do not want.

I love all people. One does not have to be a Christian to have my love and devotion. One does not have to be forgiven or accepted to have my love and devotion. I love you all, and I am devoted to all, regardless of religion, race, gender, or anything else. The love I have for all people is unconditional. Whether you love me, worship me, know me, or have ever heard of me, I love you. I do not need you to revere, acknowledge, or serve me. I appreciate these things, but I do not require them.

I came to Earth to serve you, not the other way around. I did not go to become a prophet or a deity. I went as a teacher. Religious beliefs and societal requirements and expectations at that time did not serve the people fairly or equitably, and there were many practices that caused harm to others done in the name of God that were not in any way godly. Sadly, this is still happening today. Whenever any kind of harm is done to others, for whatever reason, God is not a part of it and does not want it. As for myself, I do not want to be a part of any persecution or harm to others. Do not do these things in my name. Do not do them thinking they are pleasing to me, for they are not.

What I pray and hope for above all else is love, kindness, and acceptance not of me, but among and between all of you on Earth. No particular person or people are favored by me. I love you all. I would never condemn any of you. That perception and understanding is entirely wrong. Any judgment I have made or will ever make will always be in your favor, with understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance. I do not wish to be above you. I wish to meet you wherever you are, at your level. This is unconditional love.

It was never my intention to become the centerpiece of a new religion. I only wanted to do what I could to help people understand that everyone is worthy of love, that you are all equally important. Every person deserves acceptance and peace. You are all equally special and valued in my eyes and in the eyes of our maker. Many consider me a King, a God, a great prophet, and I am known throughout the world, yet I failed to successfully teach mankind that all people deserve to be loved and accepted, that you are all connected to each other and should be treated with kindness.

You are not required to worship me or anyone else. It is my hope, however, that you will learn to love and see yourself, as well as me, in each other, because we all share in the same creation and creator. We are all parts of the same whole, and this is inclusive of everyone.

Whatever leads you down a path of love, kindness, and acceptance of all others is worth pursuing, whether that involves worship of me, of another, or of no one. You do not need a higher being as much as you need to understand that all people are a part of a high being of consciousness that is concentrated in Love.

There is no reason to fear me, ever. I only have love for all of you. I wish you to know that to question anyone’s worth is to question one’s own worth. Those on Earth who have not yet learned this, whether weak or powerful, known or unknown, are lacking and unfulfilled in this life. Either they serve a higher purpose in helping others to learn this most important lesson, or they are here to learn this lesson during this lifetime.

For those who are here to learn to value and accept all people equally and completely, there is still time to do this, and if you do not master it during this lifetime, you will have another chance. No one is ever cast aside or forgotten, much less condemned. It is my hope however, that you will learn and accept this, that you are all of equal value and loved unconditionally. Call on your spiritual team, on the Angels, on your God, or on me for help. It is yours for the asking.

Relinquish the idea that you must control or force others to do your will or your presumptions and perceptions of your god’s will. Your task is to manage yourlife, not others’ lives. Your job is to create a life of love, joy, hope, and peace for yourself and to be kind and accepting of all others. This is what is wanted and required of everyone on Earth, preferably during this life, but extended to future lives as needed.

Know that, whoever you are, whatever you have done or not done, you can always come to me, and I will meet you where you are with love and acceptance, comfort and support. This is my promise to you.

Final Thoughts

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. And for those who condemn me for sharing this channeled message and wonder how I dare speak for Yeshua, I dare, because He asked me to share this message with you, and I would do anything He asked of me, and I don’t speak for Him, I only repeat what He asked me to share with you.

If it doesn’t speak to your heart, then dismiss it, but please spare me the usual condemnations that often follow a message that challenges traditional religious beliefs. If it doesn’t make sense to you that Yeshua loves everyone and condemns no one, that’s your prerogative, although it makes me very sad to think that anyone fears such a loving being as Yeshua for any reason. It is never my intention to criticize or insult anyone or their beliefs. We all have to make sense of things in our way, and we all have the right to our own beliefs.

Blessings, all.



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