The Shift is in Full Swing

We Americans tend to be pretty self-centered in terms of what’s happening right now. It’s sometimes all about us. To our credit, we often tag in to help others in need, but when things are stressful, we can be pretty tunnel-visioned. The Archangels have been saying for some time that there are many signs of The Shift making progress, and so many of us think of that as a positive thing, and it is, but it can also mean friction, conflict, and tension, and heaven knows we have plenty of those things going on right now.
But we’re not the only ones.
We’re very caught up in our domestic politics, before and after the last presidential election, but we’re not the only ones experiencing chaotic, sometimes scary, times. I’m a member of a private Facebook page connected to my Angelic Activation Practitioner program, and we have members who live in various places in the world. One of our members lives in Romania and talked about their presidential elections. Apparently, they have more than one vote for their president, and the guy who won the first round is an odd mixture of fascism and New Age, speaking about government control one minute and energetic vibrations in the next, and she’s worried what will happen if he’s elected to office. He’s rumored to have ties to Russia, yet he talks about The Shift and a battle of good and evil.
Romania’s not the only place experiencing conflict, either. Aside from the violent battles being fought in the Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, parts of Africa, Haiti, and other places, have you noticed that there are political battles virtually everywhere? Americans aren’t the only ones complaining about their lives. The British are up in arms with each other and the government, several European countries are anti-tourism and tourist these days, including some of the ones trying to entice Americans to move over there, South Korea is trying to impeach their president after he instated martial law, France’s political climate is unstable at best after a no confidence vote, Syria is in the middle of a revolution, and those are just the examples found in the news lately. There seems to be unrest and polarity everywhere.
I asked the Archangels to comment on this and how it ties into The Shift, and their answer follows.
Question: There is such unrest throughout the world, both politically and in some cases, an increase in violence in various places throughout the world. How much of this is tied to The Shift, and what can we do to get through it?
Virtually all of it is tied to The Shift, as there is an enormous clash of energies in the world, as well as a critical battle for power and control. What you see throughout the world right now is conflict between those who realize that change is needed and a combination of people who are too either afraid of change and are resisting it with everything they have or those who have benefited and want to hold onto the old ways of doing things, the status quo. It is not as black and white as many people see it. Things are rarely black and white, you know.
Those who want change are correct that drastic change is needed, but many think it should be forced, which is never the way. They are angry at others who resist change for whatever reason, and that anger adds to the distress being experienced by everyone, slowing down the progress The Shift is bringing. Those opposed to change are not all power-hungry people seeking to maintain the status quo; many are so frozen by fear, that it runs their lives and controls their actions. Those who resist change for their own power-hungry reasons stoke that fear and promote conflict wherever and whenever possible, so they can more easily manipulate others and remain in positions of power and influence.
There are as many levels of awakening as there are people, so those who are leaning toward wanting changes to be made rest anywhere from considering changes as far off possibilities to being gung ho, all the way in it for change and are busy working in various ways toward that end. So, you see, there are not merely two groups of people, there are many, and not all of them are confident and/or clear-minded in terms of what is needed and why.
There are those among you who crave control over everything else, and many of them are not above using lies and treachery to find their way to or hold onto their power. However, there are also those who mostly crave safety and believe they are fighting for survival, who fear for their lifestyles and even their lives. These are the easiest to manipulate, who believe the propaganda and focus on the worse case scenarios they are fed, doing what they are told to prevent them.
On the other side of wanting to maintain the old ways are those who wish to force new ways on others, who know change is needed but cannot find the patience for others to realize this. Forcing and controlling others is just as wrong when the goal you wish to achieve is favorable in your mind as when the goal is selfish. There is no equality in control and forcing others to do your will, even if you believe it will be helpful for everyone. Do you see this? No one should have the power to force people to do things they do not wish to do when it comes to personal choices. Freedom for some but not others is not equality, and when actions affect others besides yourself, you should not force those choices on those who do not wish to comply.
True equality means that everyone has the same opportunities and choices, whether they take advantage of them, or not. For example some people think their religion is the only right religion and should be forced on everyone, whether they seek to indoctrinate the youth, persecute “non-believers,” or ban people from the area. At the same time, outlawing all religions, closing down churches, and persecuting religious people is equally wrong. Everyone should be free to choose for themselves what they believe, religiously and in all other areas, and as long as their choices and actions do not harm others, as long as they do not try to take away the freedom to choose from other people, they should be free to do what they choose.
Even many of those who consider themselves awakened still judge and condemn others, and that must stop. Disagree, vote, raise your voice and be heard, and take a stand, but do not judge and condemn those who disagree with you. You must learn not only to accept and tolerate others’ differences but to embrace and respect them. You do not have to approve, but you must learn to accept.
It is always easier to see the fault and shortcomings of others than it is to identify your own shortcomings, but it is essential to self-evaluate and know your strengths and weaknesses. Celebrate and practice your strengths, assuming they are not harmful to others, but target your weaknesses for improvement.
This is a time for self-discovery and growth, for evolution, and many of you are embracing personal changes. Many feel different, but they still do not know why or what the differences are that they feel. Still others continue to resist any change at all. You are all on different paths, have different purposes, and follow different timelines. This is how it must be, and it is all good and tied into The Shift. Do not focus on others as much as you focus on yourself. Practice self-care, but also pursue self-discovery and self-improvement. It is good for you and good for the world.
We have said for some time that there will be upcoming struggles, and you are witnessing the truth of this now. There are more difficulties to come, but you will conquer them. You are experiencing growing pains, dear people. They are uncomfortable at times, but they will lead to far better things, as you will certainly see. It is the perfect time to question and reevaluate yourself, your goals, your priorities, your purpose, and your present, with an eye on how you wish your future to be. We will help you do this if you call upon us. We can help in many ways, but you must ask us, as we will not intrude upon your life.
We send you healing energies of Love and Light.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully this weekend, I’ll be publishing an article regarding the progress we’ve made on The Shift. I’ve already channeled the message, I just have to turn it into an article now, with my own commentary added to it. There are some similarities and crossover with this message, but it’s more positive, I think, and more hopeful.
In the meantime, in case you missed it last week in the Friday article and my newsletter, the intention for Friday night meditations in December is joy, and the focus is on ourselves, rather than on others. Let’s be joyful together! If you want to participate, time and place doesn’t matter. Call on the Angels, and they’ll be waiting to add their energies to yours anytime on Friday from any place. I hope you have a trouble-free, joyful weekend.
Blessings, all.